Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dial no more!

I'm a big fat JINX! As you most likely know by now I am a huge fan of the show So You Think You Can Dance, and I am obviously a huge fan of dancer Will on the show. We are now down to the top 8 dancers, where we are no doubt getting down to crunch time. The talent at this point is so superb that the elimination round is nerve wrecking to everyone including the viewers. With this in mind I take it upon myself to pick up the phone and dial the assigned "888" number for the first time to in observing the show. Who do I vote for you ask? Of course Will and Twitch! I'm partial to men and these are arguably two of the best male dancers this show has ever seen! I'm sure most of America feels the same way; there is no way voters were not inspired to pick up the phone for these two! Only yes there is a way. Will and Twitch are the bottom two men this week! I, and it would seem the judges (who have no power at this point in the season), are baffled, stunned, shocked!!! This has to be some sort of prank; I demand a recount! Will was ultimately sent home packing in astonishment, and not the good kind. We'll see him again though... Well, I will as my friends are I are seriously contemplating going to the SYTYCD tour! Will is only 21-years-old, so he has years and years of brilliance to display to the world. In the meantime, I'll miss your smile on the show Will (and those abdominals)!

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