Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Bachelorette week 4

At the risk of sounding psycho, I have to say that I just love this season's Bachelorette! I'm actually pretty darn obsessed with the show. DeAnna Pappas, who was one of the rejected girls from last season's bachelor, gets to choose a man out of 25 who she hopes will propose to her at the season finale. I just love the way she handles herself on this show. Typically with the bachelor, the men go around getting to know his female contestants by seeing how many faces he can suck on. Out of 25 men, DeAnna has "made-out" with only 3 of them: Graham, Jeremy, and Jason. I have to commend her for being such a lady on the program. She speaks her mind, pours her heart out and looks graceful while doing it. If she were to behave any other way, the criticism would be overwhelming I'm sure. Can you say double standard? Honestly, if you've seen most of these guys you'd have to ask yourself, how the heck does she control herself?! There are quite a few guys on the show who are so amazingly aesthetic that no one would blame her if she were to disregard the cameras and put on her mischievous cap. I mean some of these guys are smokin' hot, and you know how some of us woman can be around a hot guy! DeAnna is no exception; she is so so so into Graham and not holding those feeling back in any way shape or form. On this past Monday's episode she clearly expressed her interest in Graham. On their one-on-one meeting she came right out and asked him for a kiss. His response: "I don't want to be one of a bunch". What? Yeah that was her response too. Dude, are you nuts? The rest of the episode was filled with drama mostly due to her feelings of rejection induced by Graham. The tension throughout the episode was so abundant and emotions just as potent that I was trying to Will her to dismiss Graham this week. Who goes on a dating show, meets a hot girl, and refuses to kiss her but expects to stick around? An arrogant jerk that's who. DeAnna and Graham did not even speak the remainder of the show until Graham finally decides to pull her aside just before the rose ceremony. Again tension existed, but somehow the conversation ended with a kiss...NOOOOO! Girl, he is not that into you can't you see! At the rose ceremony it came down to Graham and Brian and there was one last moment to hope that she'd do the right thing now and save herself the heartache later. Not so much: "Graham will you accept this rose?" Boooo! Anyway, this is still one of my favorite shows this summer so I'll keep watching despite disagreeing with the bachelorette's decisions sometimes.

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